edible shade crops
● Hosta
● Solomon Seal
● Ostrich Fern
● Fuki
● Sweet Cicely
● Wild Ginger
● Violets
● Daylily
● Mayapple (fruit)
Woody: (4+ hours of sun for decent fruiting)
● Gooseberry
● Currant
● Jostaberry
● Spicebush
● Goumi
● Pawpaw
Mushrooms! (Supplies from Field and Forest)
● Winecap mushrooms (grown on woodchips)
● Shiitake (grown on logs)
● Mint Family (mint, bee balm, lemon balm, anise hyssop)
● Allium Family (chives, garlic chives, ramps)
foodscaping plants
● Pawpaw- largest native fruit banana/mango flavor, tons of great grafted cultivars
● American Persimmon- grafted varieties like Early golden, Prok and Yates
● Hybrid Persimmon- shorter than the american. Nakita’s Gift & Rosseyanka for hybrids
● Jujube- easy to care for fruit tree tastes like freeze dried apples, need’s staking to keep upright
● Asian Pear- fire blight resistant varieties like shinko and korean giant
● Pear- fire blight resistant varieties like magness, maxine, potomac and blake’s pride
● Apples- look for disease resistance like Liberty, William’s Pride and Arkansas Black
● Mulberry- tons of easy to grow varieties, put down a tarp and shake trees for easy harvest
● Tart Cherry- Northstar is natural dwarf, most are easy to grow
● Serviceberry- prune to keep branches within reach. Try Autumn Brilliance
● Che- get a seedless female variety. Fruit drops in early years
● Elderberry- get cultivars that make big flowers and fruit
● Nanking Cherry- easy to grow tart cherries
● Aronia- highest antioxidant fruit native to north america
● Gerardi Dwarf Mulberry- sweet and reachable mulberries on a 6’ tall shrub
● Fig- chicago hardy is most proven. needs winter protection for good fruit production
● Trifoliate Orange Flying Dragon- the only hardy citrus! gorgeous, slow growing, seedy, thorny
● Beach Plum- Oikos Nursery and Raintree Nursery have cultivars. Gorgeous spring blooms
● Currants- look for disease resistance. Best kept in backyard. Tolerates some shade
● Gooseberry- thorny but easy to grow. Tolerates some shade
● Goumi- easy to grow, early to fruit and a nitrogen fixer. Makes small tart berries
● Regent Serviceberry- a compact bush serviceberry, similar in size to blueberry
● Alliums: welch nion, egyptian walking onion, chives, garlic chives
● Greens: scorzonera, dandelion, violets, daylily, sorrel, hablitzia, prickly pear, patience doc, alfalfa,
myoga ginger, horseradish,
● Shoots: asparagus, hosta, giant solomon Seal, sea kale, turkish rocket, rhubarb
● Herbs: mint, anise hyssop, lemon balm, bronze fennel, thyme, oregano, yarrow, bee balm, lovage,
mitsuba, comfrey, go crazy with annual herbs Vines:
● Grapes- check out disease resistant Munson varieties like Carman, Elvikand, Lukfata and Champanel
● Hardy Kiwi- vigorous vines. The Kolomikta kiwis are less vigorous. Needs male + female
● Maypop/Passion Fruit- This native herbaceous vine makes stunning medicinal flowers, edible
leaves and edible fruit. Spreads aggressively where planted so make sure you can mow around
it or plant in a pot
● Strawberries- In a league of their own as a groundcover. Earliglow, Allstar, Jewel
● Alpine Strawberries- the most delicious fruit on the planet. Non-spreading
● Thyme, Roman Chamomile, Nasturtium, Sweet potato